The mobile phone connection with PC Windows XP throug the data cable
His step as follows:
1. Enter the Control Panel menu
2. Choose Phone and Modem Options
3. Choose Modem
4. Press Add
5. Give the sign hit ''Dont't detect my modem: I will select it from a list''
6. Pressed next
7. Choose Standard 33600 bps modem
8. Pressed next
9. Choose port from the data ccle that is used, usually COM1 for the data cable, but if being not available choose COM that was other
10. Pressed next
11. Modem instalations have been finished
12. Press Finish
13. Back to Phone and Modem Options menu
14. Choose the modem that already in install earlier that is Standart 33600 bps the modem
15. Press Properties
16. Choose Diagnostics
17. Press query the modem (confirm that the process query was successful, if not yet meaning COM that is chosen wrong and try repeat re-from the beginning)
18. After that choose Advanced
19. Input extra setting :
20. Press OK
21. Back to Phone and Modem Options
22. Press OK than leave the Control Panel menu
23. Further step : Start―>Programs―>Accessories―>Communication―>Network Connection
24. Choose Create a new connection
25. Will emerge New Connection Wizard
26. Pressed next
27. Choose conect to the internet
28. Pressed next
29. Choose the setup my connection manually
30. Pressed next
31. Choose connect using an in dial-up the modem
32. The ISP contents name :
33. Pressee next
34. The contents Phone Number :
35. Pressed next
36. Choose create this connection for: Anyone's use
37. Pressed next
38. Username :
Password :
39. Pressed next
40. Give the sign hit in add a shortcut to this connection to my desktop
41. Pressed Finish
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