The prototype of the mobile phone Android is displayed
Equipment that will operate operating system Android by Google Inc, is displayed. But the consumer does not yet have the opportunity of buying this equipment because that is displayed this time am prototype him.
The appearence prototype this in the industrial conference Mobile World Congress (MWC) 2008 Barcelona, this Spain marks a big step from the word nircable.
Now this Google indeed do still not announce the avaibility of equipment that become the rival iPhone belonging to this Apple.
Android is the operation system that goes in the code open-source. Be defferent from operating system that becomes the competitor in all kinds nircable like output Microsoft Corp., Research In Motion Ltd., the Palm Inc,. and Symbian, that is had by Nokia Corp., the producer of the biggest cellular phone the world and the producer of the other big cellular phone.
Google gathered approximately 30 cellular phone companies, chip and software to help develop the opportunimy in the behind Android. Betweem this company that demonstartes the Android use am Texas Instruments Inc., the producer of the biggest chip the cellular phone. His prototype 'offer one button access' to web browsing, the e-mail, messaging and video. PLC and Marvel Technology Group Ltd., also demonstate the based Android system.
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