Skyfire, Browser in the style of PC to the cellular phone
Skyfire Labs. Inc,. announce the launcing skyfire mobile browser that is created to produce the experience in the style of PC to the cellular phone. Browser just this support the user of the cellular phone to interact with the web page. Whatever that integrate web technology including Ajax, Flash, Java, Quicktime, etc.
The user of the cellular phone could have finally witnessed the video YouTube, connected with the friend in MySpace, Facebook or the rite social other. Also could listen to music from the based musical service the network like or Rhapsody. All of them in the speed that was same like to PC. ''Since long befor the consumer had been promised 'real web' to his cellular phone but pointed in the disappointed felling because render slow, contents was lost, there was no Flash support, the page of bad vapour or the version of the sit that not maximality,' Nitin Bhandari words, Skyfire Chief Executive Officer. Unfortunately, at this time skyfire only was compatible full QWERTY smartphone that operated to Window Mobile 5 or 6. The other version following including in Symbian.
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