The mobile phone connection with PC Windows XP went through Bluetooth
His step as follows:
1. Confismed software / driver bluetooth him already in install in your PC
2. Enter the Control Panel menu
3. Choose Phone and Modem Options
4. Choose Modem
5. Press Add
6. Give the sign hit ''Don't detect my modem: I will select it from a list"
7. Pressed Next
8. In the column manufacturer choose WIDCOMM then in the column models choose bluetooth modem
9. Pressed Next
10. When having confirmation in his mobile phone, pressed 'Yes' in the mobile phone
11. Choose All ports
12. Pressed Next
13. Choose Continue Anyway
14. When having confirmation in his mobile phone, pressed 'Yes' in the mobile phone
15. Choose Continue Anyway
16. The process of the mode instalation already success
17. Press Finish
18. Back to Phone and Modem Options
19. Choose one of the modem that already in install earlier that is Bluetooth Modem COM . . . (example COM 7, 8, 9)
20. Press Properties
21. When having confirmation in his mobile phone, pressed 'Yes' in the mobile phone
22. Choose Diagnostics
23. Press Query Modem
24. When having confirmation in his mobile phone, pressed 'Yes' in the mobile phone
25. When the process query his modem was not successful, this meaning that COM that was choosen earlier was not yet appropiate, then the next one was to repeat again the step 19 earlier, but with choose Bluetooth Modem with COM other that was not yet choosen (did this until the process query his modem was successful)
26. After that choose Advanced
27. Input Extra Setting :
28. Press OK
29. Back to Phone and Modem Options
30. Press Apply and then press OK then leave the Control Panel menu
31. Further step : Start―>Programs―>Accessories―>Communication―>Network Connection
32. Choose Create a new connection
33. Will emerge new connection wizard
34. Pressed Next
35. Choose Connect to the Internet
36. Pressed Next
37. Choose the setup my connection manually
38. Pressed Next
39. Choose Connect using a dial-up modem
40. Give the sign hit ''Modem ― Bluetoot Modem COM. . .'' (accordance with the process query the modem that has his success)
41. Pressed Next
42. The ISP contents name:
43. Pressed Next
44. The contents Phone number :
45. Pressed Next
46. Choose Create this connection for: Anyone's use
47. Pressed Next
48. Username:
49. Pressed Next
50. Give the sign hit in ''Add a shortcut to this connection to my desktop'' then press Finish
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